The law will allow only 37 new marijuana growers to be licensed before February 2023. But it did not set limits on the other types of licenses, which include manufacturing, delivery, wholesale, distribution and retail.
According to the commission’s rules, microbusinesses, which have 10 employees or less, will not count toward any license limits the commission sets. They also can pay just 50% of the licensure fees larger companies will face, but 100% of their ownership must reside in New Jersey
The commission will also give priority to social equity businesses, those in “impact zones,” or municipalities unevenly affected by marijuana prohibition, and to those run by women, racial minorities and disabled veterans. The social equity businesses must have 50% ownership by people with previous marijuana convictions or by those who have spent five of the last 10 years living in economically disadvantaged areas.
The commission rules say that people 21 and older can purchase and possess one ounce of cannabis products. This conflicts with the decriminalization law, which allows people to possess up to six ounces without any legal consequences
certify they have sufficient product to serve patients and customers 21 and older and that they will not make operational changes that favor the legal market over the medical one.
They will also see higher fees. To expand a medical operation that grows, process and sells marijuana out of three facilities, alternative treatment centers will have to pay as much as $1 million.